Surrogacy News, Select Surrogate Agency in the Media

Surrogacy Programs in California

Surrogacy NewsThe Select Surrogate in the Media, Surrogacy News

A Growing Number of Military Wives are Becoming Surrogate Moms

What motivates a woman to carry a child for another couple? How are surrogate mothers compensated for carrying that child for another family? Why do military wives make great surrogate moms? Host Tom Fudge speaks to Dr. Samuel Wood about the growing trend of military wives becoming surrogate mothers. We also speak with a military wife who has been a surrogate mother about her experience.

Surrogacy expert, Dr. Wood, was interviewed by KPBS Radio San Diego on July 23, 2008. To listen to the interview, please go to the KPBS website here.


TV Appearances

A Select Surrogate egg donor and the Family She Helped to Realize the Dream of Having a Child (NBC News January 2009)

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